Thursday, May 14, 2015

Sorry, I'm still Miss O.

Today, English class started as usual. We greeted one another, said how-are-you-I’m-fine, and then someone asked a question.

“Emily, what is the difference between Mrs. and Miss?”

This is a great question! I explain how Mrs. is a title for married women and Miss is used for single women.

Which—of course—yet again opens the floor for discussion of why I am still a Miss and not a Mrs.

Now, this is a very popular topic when speaking to young women of marriageable age. I have this conversation at least once a week. Depending on my mood, I either shrug and move past it as quickly as possible or think to myself, I am so desirable that people literally cannot believe that I’m still on the market.

This all got me pondering the comments various Tajiks—from my very first host family to my current coworkers—have made about the singlehood they seem to find so troubling. Which, in turn, made me wonder, If they were going to create an online dating profile for me, what would it look like? I have used my formidable Photoshop skills (read: MS Paint) to recreate the imaginary profile, using phrases that people have actually said to or about me (see figure 1):

Figure 1

Ok, fine, no one ever said out loud "0/10." They didn't say it with their words, but they said it with their eyes. 

I guess I should just be glad that I haven't let it slip about sliding over the rocks at Suleiman Too—then I'd really be in trouble!